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Material Readiness Training Division


What We Do

Material Readiness Training Division enables Operational and Material Readiness by developing and delivering instructor-led automated Logistics Training. MRTD’s instructors ensure that each student (Soldier, DoD Civilian and Contractor) receives the skillset and knowledge necessary to perform their missions in any strategic, operational, or tactical environment. MRTD’s courses are designed to offer each student an over-the-shoulder, hands-on learning experience. MRTD aids in bridging the training gap between TRADOC/ALU and end users, providing critical Army Automated Logistics Tools/Applications Training. Training available Online (in TEAMS), at your organization’s location, and at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.

How To Request Training

To request training for your organization, complete, and submit/email your training request form to MTRD by clicking here.

1.    Decision Support Tool - Sourcing Module (DST-SM). Decision Support Tool - Sourcing Module is the Army’s tool for equipment distribution/redistribution management.  It receives legacy/ERP data from AESIP, DST merges authorizations, equipment on hand, and inventory over time to enable effective decision making.

2.    Strategic Support Area Business Reporting Environment tool (SABRE) Supply Management Army (SMA). The Supply Management Army Metrics is part of the SABRE Viz suite and provides operational and strategic views of logistics supply chain information.  SMA Metrics includes visualizations such as Composite Readiness, Supply Availability, Inventory Turns, and Sales Plan data useful for supply chain logisticians at AMC/LCMC level.

3.    Strategic Support Area Business Reporting Environment tool (SABRE) Organic Industrial Base (OIB). The Organic Industrial Base Metrics capability is part of the SABRE Viz suite and provides operational and strategic views of supply chain, resources, and performance information across the Army's Organic Industrial Base (depots, arsenals, ammunition activities). OIB Metrics includes visualizations such as Revenue, Expenses, and Efficiency; New and Unfilled Orders; Schedule Churn; and Performance to Promise metrics useful for AMC, MSC, and OIB logisticians.

4.    Theater Provided Equipment (TPE). Users navigate through the Theater Provided Equipment Management process using LMI-DST. This includes users at the unit, theatre, ARCENT and Item Managers. It provides a walk-through with tool and step by step instructions for the various tasks related to TPE management.

5.    Decision Support Tool Unit Reset Planner (URP). Units at all levels to view, claim and execute plans for reset and to maintain accurate visibility over equipment repair, replacement, recapitalization, and expenditures to sustain equipment availability and meet operational requirements

Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Support Coordinator.

  1. Training requests must be submitted NLT 30 days prior to training events; this will allow enough time to process your request, allocate the required resources, and for our instructors to effectively prepare for your training. Please contact us directly, if you require training in less than 30 days or have any questions.
  2. Please be sure to check our Frequently Asked Questions before contacting us. Your question may have already been answered!


Training Development 256.876.6213
Training Support 256.842.6430