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Annual Command History Summaries

The Annual Command History (ACH) is a routine publication that is composed by the various HQ Staff Sections, Army Field Support Brigades (AFSBs), Battalions (AFSBns), and Logistics Readiness Centers (LRCs). These submissions are then compiled by the History Office for final publication. The ACH is a publication required by Army Regulation 870-5 and is the responsibility of either the Command Historian (for headquarters) and the individual Unit’s Historical Officer (UHOs).

Army Sustainment Command (ASC) has changed its name multiple times between its first incarnation as Army War Reserve Support Command (AWRSPTCMD) in the 1990s and today. The ASC History Office maintains the collection of these histories and parent predecessor commands all the way back to the 1950s.

1955 : 1962 OWC Ordnance Weapons Command
1962 : 1972 WECOM Weapons Command
1972 : 1977 ARMCOM Armament Command
1977 : 1983 ARRCOM Armament Materiel Command
1983 : 1994 AMCCOM Armament, Munitions, and Chemical Command
1994 : 2000 IOC Industrial Operations Command
2000 : 2003 OSC Operations Support Command
2003 JMC Joint Munitions Command
2003 : 2006 AFSC Army Field Support Command

Additional information and inquiries related to the ACH can be sent to us via an e-mail request.

An abbreviated history of the command is also available and is updated periodically with information as it is extracted from the annual history submissions.