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Resources for Employees

Below, you will find an assortment of employee resources. These resources are provided by Army Sustainment Command, Army Materiel Command, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense. For additional resources, please visit the ASC SharePoint Online site. The resources listed here are abridged only.

Equal Employment Opportunity Services
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office assists leaders in cultivating a climate that is free from discrimination and harassment while fostering and nurturing a culture and climate that embraces diversity, dignity, and respect.  For additional information on EEO services, please contact the EEO representative for the command at the email address or phone numbers listed below.  You can also find additional resources to the right.
  • Email: usarmy.ria.asc.mbx.eeo@army.mil
  • EO Hotline: 309.278.7759
  • Safe Helpline: 877.955.5247
EEO Office Contact:
EEO Military Contact:
Employee Verification
Employees may email employment and/or salary information to a third-party directly from the Defense Civilian Personnel Date System (DCPDS) via secure internet. Verification requires sign in with a Common Access Card (CAC) and login to MyBiz+. Employees will need to have a valid email address for the recipient to complete the request.

Army Sustainment Command is located on Rock Island Arsenal.  For additional information about the installation, including installation-wide services, programs, and functions, visit the U.S. Army Garrison - Rock Island website.  You can also find more employee resources on the ASC SharePoint Online site or on the USAG-RI SharePoint Online site.

Army Suicide Prevention Program DOD Safe Helpline iSalute Sexual Harassment & Assault Respond & Prevention Veterans Crisis Line