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The ASC Public & Congressional Affairs Office (PCA) publishes a vast amount of resources, publications, and information across multiple platforms. This includes items such as news stories, photos, videos, newsletters, and summaries. A collection of ASC's publications are all collected here for easy reference and navigation, in addition to retired publications (such as PS Magazine).

In addition, valuable Army publications are included here for your reference. Links that go to external sites from the site will open in a new tab.

Global E-Line

The Global eLine is the is the official Command Information publication of the Army Sustainment Command. It is an electronic newsletter that compiles the latest news from the Headquarters and units around the world. The Public Affairs Office is the primary proponent of this publication.

Check out the current & past editions on DVIDS »

History Newsletter

The History Newsletter is a monthly publication that covers significant military history topics. Special Editions occasionally are produced focusing on key subject matter of significance to current events. In addition to historical articles, the newsletter includes monthly trivia, archive spotlight, and did-you-know factoids. It is published each month and is a proponent of the ASC History Office.

Check out the current & past editions on DVIDS »
Go to the ASC History Office Page »


P.S. Magazine

PS Magazine was a publication dedicated to educating the Army community of the importance of preventative maintenance and safety. It was first published in 1951 and continued until November 2019. Following November 2019, PS Magazine moved to online article publication and responses to reader questions. Front-and-center of the publication was MSG Half-Mast McCanick. MSG Half-Mast and PS Magazine were wholly created by Mr. Will Eisner. While PS Magazine is no longer published, it's helpful information and publication archive is available in the links provided below.

» Check out the PS Magazine Edition Archive on DVIDS
» Click here to check out the archived PS Magazine Website

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AMC Publications

The U.S. Army Materiel Command Office of Public and Congressional Affairs is responsible for a variety of publications that highlight the activities of the workforce around the globe, how the organization and its major subordinate commands support the warfighter, and how working with partners in government, industry and academia can provide dominant land force capabilities.

» Click here to see a list of AMC Publications


U.S. Army Publications

The U.S. Army composes large quantities of publications that can be found via multiple publishers. These include, but are not limited to: Army University Press, Center of Military History, and the Journal of Military Learning. You can find these assortments and more at the Army Publications page.

» Click here to see a list of U.S. Army Publications