Maximum telework is authorized for all ASC headquarters personnel on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. This authorization applies to both military and civilian personnel who are not currently teleworking. Contracted employees are to consult with their COR/ACO/PCO for max telework instructions. Additional information concerning Thursday, 13 February, will be shared as it becomes available.
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Historical Inquiries

Army Sustainment Command Historical Inquiries

The history office is available to research and answer historical questions pertaining to the Army Sustainment Command.  We ask that you please include your complete contact information in the form posted to the right.  Please be as descriptive with your inquiry as possible.

Rock Island Arsenal Historical Inquiries

For questions specifically about the Rock Island Arsenal, you may submit your inquiry in the form to the right as well.  Alternatively, you may also submit your request in writing to:

Headquarters, Army Sustainment Command
1 Rock Island Arsenal
Rock Island, Illinois 61299-6500

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section to see if your question has been answered prior to submitting.  We will try and keep this section as up to date as possible with FAQ's.

Please also note: For all inquiries on requesting a tour, speaker, or a lecture, please use this form.  Any requests for logistical support will be forwarded to the alternative form for requesting a public speaker or color guards.