Maximum telework is authorized for all ASC headquarters personnel on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. This authorization applies to both military and civilian personnel who are not currently teleworking. Contracted employees are to consult with their COR/ACO/PCO for max telework instructions. Additional information concerning Thursday, 13 February, will be shared as it becomes available.
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For the many decades of Fort McCoy’s existence, the capability to transport cargo and equipment to and from the installation by rail has always been there, and it’s a capability that will continue, said officials with the installation Logistics Readiness Center Transportation Division.


Equipment belonging to the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 829th Engineer Company (Vertical Construction) is shown on railcars waiting to be unloaded as part of redeployment rail operations Oct. 22, 2020 at Fort McCoy, Wis. The offload included 37 railcars containing 102 pieces of rolling stock and container emptying operations. Whether it was moving troops and equipment during World War II or other contingencies, or bringing in or sending out equipment and supplies for a present-day exercise, rail will always be a primary mode of transportation at the installation. (U.S. Army Photo by Scott T. Sturkol, Public Affairs Office, Fort McCoy, Wis.)

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