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The ASC History Office provides many additional services beyond that of its publication activities and command-wide support.  Some of these command-support functions include the Professional Readers Program, Organization Inspection Program, and the Unit Historical Officer Program.  In addition to these functions, the ASC History Office manages the Oral History Program, provides support to the Rock Island Arsenal sister commands and entities, and works closely with the Rock Island Arsenal Museum to tell the Army's story.

Some key additional services are highlighted below.  Hover over the images to learn more about these key services.


Public Speaking Engagements

The ASC History Office collaborates with the Davenport and Rock Island Public Libraries to provide an assortment of historical lecture series that are open to the public.

The ASC History Office also conducts other speaking engagements, including Brown Bag Lunch and Learns, Leadership Professional Development sessions, and lectures specifically tailored to an audience.

Request a Historian Speaker



Various tours of Rock Island Arsenal are provided or supplemented by the ASC History Office.

Tours are usually held for non-profit entities or other large groups.  Tours are subject to a legal review for all off-installation entities.  Requests for tours should be made with at least six (6) weeks notice.

Request a Tour of Rock Island Arsenal



The Rock Island Arsenal Archives are an open stacks archive and managed by the ASC History Office; including release authority.

The Rock Island Arsenal Archives are located in the Museum Resource Center under the Rock Island Arsenal Museum. These archives include technical data, photos, and a small library. 

Archival Information Request
Visit the Rock Island Arsenal Archives

Got something to archive?

The ASC History Office has you covered!  Periodically, the ASC History Office may obtain artifacts with significance to the mission of the Army Sustainment Command. In addition, some items and documents which pertain to the larger mission of the Army may be accepted by the History Office for proper preservation. Much of these items and "artifacts" are document in nature but may vary. If you have documents you believe are historically significant - especially documents pertaining to the organization, the organic industrial base, prepositioned stocks, or combat equipment groups - please send us an email. Any donations of materials are greatly appreciated.