Maximum telework is authorized for all ASC headquarters personnel on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. This authorization applies to both military and civilian personnel who are not currently teleworking. Contracted employees are to consult with their COR/ACO/PCO for max telework instructions. Additional information concerning Thursday, 13 February, will be shared as it becomes available.

Army Field Support Battalion - Korea

403rd Army Field Support Brigade

Home : Units : 403rd : AFSBn Korea


AFSBn-Korea serves as the Army Materiel Command’s (AMC) “Face to the Warfighter” for 2ID, USAG Yongsan-Casey and USAG Humphreys. Its mission includes assisting with sustaining the highest operational equipment readiness rates, new equipment and materiel fielding and training, integration of Life Cycle Management Commands (LCMCs); and the integration of acquisition, logistics, and technology to support Soldier requirements.