Maximum telework is authorized for all ASC headquarters personnel on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. This authorization applies to both military and civilian personnel who are not currently teleworking. Contracted employees are to consult with their COR/ACO/PCO for max telework instructions. Additional information concerning Thursday, 13 February, will be shared as it becomes available.

Army Field Support Battalion - Poland

405th Army Field Support Brigade

Home : Units : 405th : AFSBn Poland


Formerly known as Army Field Support Battalion-Mannheim, the battalion was re-designated to Army Field Support Battalion-Poland in 2024 when it moved operations from the Coleman Army Prepositioned Stocks-2 worksite in Mannheim, Germany, to the newest, most modern APS worksite in the world, located in Powidz, Poland. AFSBn-Poland is one of the four battalions under the 405th Army Field Support Brigade and is now headquartered in Powidz.