Maximum telework is authorized for all ASC headquarters personnel on Wednesday, 12 February 2025. This authorization applies to both military and civilian personnel who are not currently teleworking. Contracted employees are to consult with their COR/ACO/PCO for max telework instructions. Additional information concerning Thursday, 13 February, will be shared as it becomes available.

LTC Richard Martinez

Commander, Army Field Support Battalion - Cavazos

Home : Units : 407th : AFSBn Cavazos : Commander

Lieutenant Colonel Richard Martinez assumed command of the Army Field Support Battalion-Cavazos June 2023.

LTC Martinez enlisted in 1999 and served seven years in the Texas Army National Guard. He is a 2006 graduate of Texas A&M International University, Laredo, Texas, where he received his commission as a Transportation Officer through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.

He most recently served as a logistics plans and operations officer for Joint Task Force North at Fort Bliss, Texas, from August 2020 to May 2023. Other key duty assignments include: executive officer of 1st Armored Division Sustainment Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Bagram, Afghanistan; Support Operations officer and Brigade Logistics Support Team chief, Army Field Support Battalion-Bliss, Fort Bliss, Texas, 407th Army Field Support Brigade; Battalion Operations officer, 840th Transportation Battalion, 595th Transportation Brigade, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait; Assistant Professor of Military Science, 2nd Brigade, U.S. Army Cadet Command, Potsdam, New York; Deputy Support Operations officer, 15th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas; Company Commander, F Forward Support Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas and Forward Operating Base Warhorse, Iraq; Operations officer, 201st Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Jalalabad, Afghanistan; Distribution platoon leader, E Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas and Kandahar, Afghanistan.

LTC Martinez has deployed five times in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Operation Spartan Shield, Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Stabilization Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

His military education includes the Transportation Officer Basic Course, the Combined Logistics Captain Career Course, the Command and General Staff College, and the Joint Forces Staff College.

LTC Martinez holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M International University and a Master of Business Administration from Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York.

His awards and decorations include: three Bronze Star Medals, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, four Meritorious Service Medals, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, two Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, the Reserve Component Achievement Medal, the Air Assault Badge, and the Combat Action Badge.

He is married to Rosie of Laredo, Texas, and they have two children.

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